Syria has been severely impacted by violence and conflict over the last decade - Northeast Syria (NES) AKA Rojava being no exception - and the recent earthquake in February 2023 only exacerbated the already unstable situation for residents.
Partnering with Kulturvan Organization in the town of Amuda, we'll be serving members of the community and local humanitarian workers in the area.
Our partner, Kulturvan, is a non-profit organization and cultural center, developing and promoting yoga and art, and encouraging exchanges with similar organizations to increase opportunities and creativity for children, young people and adults in order to support the civil society.
Inhalt des 20-stündigen TRY-Trainings:
Psychologie des Traumas
Der Vagusnerv und die Geist-Körper-Verbindung
Trigger verwalten
TRY Mattensequenz
Meditation und Mantra für Traumata
Atemtechniken bei Traumata
TRY Chair-Sequenz
Achtsame Bewegungen (TRY for Youth)
Dos and Don'ts, was im Unterricht zu sagen und zu tun ist
Wie man mit unterschiedlichen Personengruppen arbeitet
Umgang mit Mitgefühlsmüdigkeit
Nächste Schritte zur Implementierung von TRY in Ihrer Community
Dieser Kurs ist wertvoll für jeden, der:
Hat ein Trauma erlebt
Kümmert sich um jemanden, der ein Trauma erlebt hat
Arbeitet professionell, um Traumata zu beraten
Will das eigene Wissen rund um Trauma, Selbstregulation, Meditation und Affirmation, Atem und Bewegung vertiefen
Praktiziert oder unterrichtet Yoga und möchte ihre Fähigkeiten in traumasensiblem Yoga erweitern
The Program:
2-Day Online Teacher Training
We will conduct 2-3 trainings, the first one being in September 2023.
Upon completing the training, participants will have opportunities to practice and receive feedback on a weekly basis, both in-person and online. In order to teach in the community, they must first submit a video of themselves teaching the class, receive feedback, and official approval.
Paid Teacher Placement
Teachers will having ongoing opportunities to teach Trauma Recovery Yoga to adults and children in the Kulturvan Center in Amouda, Syria.
When You Donate...
You provide 2 yoga mats for Syrian participants
You provide the weekly salary for our part-time Field Coordinator
You pay the monthly salary for a part-time TRY teacher
You provide the monthly salary for our part-time Field Coordinator
You help provide 4 full yoga classes in Syria
You sponsor our entire team of TRY instructors in NES for 1 month