Relief Efforts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
We are working closely with community-based organizations to enhance and expand upon mental health support and trauma recovery resources. We particularly focus on meeting the needs of poor, vulnerable, marginalized and isolated people.
TRY Global works to improve the mental and physical well-being and resilience of low-income and marginalized communities by training Palestinians to teach Trauma Recovery Yoga and placing them in paid teaching positions. Our team is facilitating Psychological First Aid trainings for organization staff, aid workers and community leaders. And we're connecting Palestinians with volunteer psychologists online for one-on-on therapy sessions.
How We Serve
TRY Teacher Trainings & Programs
After facilitating the 2-day TRY Teacher training, our staff mentors participants for a duration of 6-12 weeks to help prepare them to teach TRY classes in their communities. See more details on the program below.
Virtual Therapy Sessions
In Through our hotline number, Palestinians can call and request a free virtual therapy session. They'll be connected with one of our volunteer psychologists within 48 hours.
Psychological First Aid
This training equips humanitarians, crisis response workers and community members with the essential skills to provide immediate, compassionate, and practical support to those experiencing emotional distress or trauma.
Inhalt des 20-stündigen TRY-Trainings:
Psychologie des Traumas
Der Vagusnerv und die Geist-Körper-Verbindung
Trigger verwalten
TRY Mattensequenz
Meditation und Mantra für Traumata
Atemtechniken bei Traumata
TRY Chair-Sequenz
Achtsame Bewegungen (TRY for Youth)
Dos and Don'ts, was im Unterricht zu sagen und zu tun ist
Wie man mit unterschiedlichen Personengruppen arbeitet
Umgang mit Mitgefühlsmüdigkeit
Nächste Schritte zur Implementierung von TRY in Ihrer Community
Dieser Kurs ist wertvoll für jeden, der:
Hat ein Trauma erlebt
Kümmert sich um jemanden, der ein Trauma erlebt hat
Arbeitet professionell, um Traumata zu beraten
Will das eigene Wissen rund um Trauma, Selbstregulation, Meditation und Affirmation, Atem und Bewegung vertiefen
Praktiziert oder unterrichtet Yoga und möchte ihre Fähigkeiten in traumasensiblem Yoga erweitern
TRY Teacher Programs in the West Bank:
2-Day Online Teacher Training
Our team will facilitate Trauma Recovery Yoga trainings, in partnership with local organizations. Participants will include humanitarian staff and community members.
Upon completing the training, participants will have opportunities to practice and receive feedback on a weekly basis, both in-person and online. In order to teach in the community, they must first submit a video of themselves teaching the class, receive feedback, and official approval.
Paid Teacher Placement
Teachers will having ongoing opportunities to teach Trauma Recovery Yoga to adults and children in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
We are open to volunteers with various skillsets. Let us know what skills you have, and we'll do our best to match you with a need in our organization.
This includes website development, advocacy and community outreach, fundraising, and volunteer coordinating.
Please complete the form below if you're interested in and have the capacity to volunteer with our team.
Volunteer Psychologists
Our team is in the process of developing a Crisis Response Plan and a platform through which we can connect psychologists from around the world to people in dire need.
Please complete the form linked below if you're a licensed mental healthcare worker and are interested in volunteering to support Palestinians in crisis.
Proudly Partnered with
Jordanian Clinical Psychologists Association
The Jordanian Clinical Psychologists Association (JCPA) is an association of more than 60 licensed psychologists, many of whom with experience coordinating psychology services in emergency situations. They are helping create and manage virtual therapy sessions for Palestinians.
When You Donate...
You provide materials for 1 psychological first aid training
You support the training and mentorship of a local TRY instructor in Palestine.
You sponsor a Palestinian to practice TRY for two months
You fund a Trauma Recovery Yoga teacher training for an entire Palestinian community
You cover the cost of a Psychological First Aid training for humanitarian staff in crisis
You sponsor a comprehensive TRY program* for a community in need