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كن مدربًا للمحاولة

سيتم عقد تدريب المعلمين لمدة 20 ساعة القادمة بشكل شخصي في 11-12 مارس 2022 في دهوك ، كردستان.  ليست هناك حاجة لخبرة يوغا.


كن جزءًا من TRYb

ورشة العمل الكاملة الخاصة بنا مفتوحة لجميع مقدمي الرعاية ، سواء كان ذلك في المنزل أو مهنيًا أو شخصيًا. سيعدك هذا التدريب للعمل مع السكان الذين يعانون من الأزمات والذين عانوا من الصدمات. سوف نحدد العقبات والمكافآت لتعليم اليوجا والتأمل وتقنيات التنفس للسكان الضعفاء. سوف تحصل على أدوات جديدة من شأنها أن تساعدك وتسمح لك بتسهيل تعافي الآخرين من صدمة الماضي. تتضمن ورشة العمل الخاصة بنا تقنيات لكل من داخل وخارج حصيرة اليوجا. سوف يبتعد جميع المتدربين بأدوات جديدة ومعرفة العلم وراء هذه الأدوات بالإضافة إلى القدرة على تقديم تسلسل كامل لجلسة TRY والفهم الأساسي لتسلسل حصيرة TRY. 

المحتوى الذي تمت تغطيته في تدريب TRY لمدة 20 ساعة:
هذه الدورة قيّمة لأي شخص:
  • علم نفس الصدمة

  • العصب المبهم واتصال العقل والجسم

  • إدارة المشغلات

  • جرب تسلسل حصيرة

  • التأمل والتعويذة للصدمة

  • تقنيات التنفس للصدمات

  • تسلسل كرسي TRY

  • حركات واعية (جرب للشباب)

  • افعل ولا تفعل بشأن ما يجب قوله وفعله في الفصل

  • كيف تعمل مع مجموعات متنوعة من الناس

  • التعايش مع تعب الرحمة

  • الخطوات التالية لتطبيق TRY في مجتمعك

  • تعرض لصدمة

  • يعتني بشخص تعرض لصدمة 

  • يعمل باحتراف لتقديم المشورة بشأن الصدمات

  • يريد تعميق معرفته حول الصدمات والتنظيم الذاتي والتأمل والتأكيد والتنفس والحركة

  • يمارس اليوجا أو يعلمها ويريد توسيع مهاراتهم في اليوجا الحساسة للصدمات

المنح الدراسية للعاملين في المجال الإنساني


The Schedule

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Class & Workshop Descriptions

Trauma Recovery Yoga

Trauma Recovery Yoga (TRY) is an all-levels class, great for beginners and experienced yogis alike. The TRY Method intentionally weaves together different mind-body tools like meditation, affirmations, breath work visualization and movement, to stimulate the vagus nerve, work with neuroplasticity and bring balance back into the brain and body.

Kids Yoga Class

Created for kids but fun for all ages, this quicker paced mat sequence offers an opportunity for emotional connection and regulation. It is also the loudest yoga you will ever “try”! Participants are assigned affirmations and encouraged to call them out verbally through the practice. Closing with a humming technique, this class is based in science and psychology that also fosters vagal toning.

Ages 6-12 

Chair Yoga Class

For all levels of mobility, anyone can participate, and because of the accessibility of these postures, they can be practiced at the office, in the car, at home, etc. This class emphasizes more movement in the upper body, which helps relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. Some other benefits include vagal toning, stress relief, self-regulation, calming of the nervous system, better sleep, and elevated mood. 

Self-Regulation for Resilience

This active meditation is the foundation of all TRY practices, and is for people of all levels of experience. Sitting down and laying, participants will be guided through a simple meditation that helps regulate the mind and body. It's a quick and effective way to feel calm, centered and grounded in your body.

Demystifying Mental Health & Therapy

3 Workshops will include:

  • Three Main Bases for Better Mental Health

  • Myths About Psychology vs. Reality

  • Overview of Psychotherapy Sessions

Community Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional medicine practice involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and promote overall health and well-being.

Stress Management

In this workshop, participants will  learn some practical tools to calm themselves, including trauma-informed breathing techniques and meditations. But that's not all! They'll also get access to these practices so they can practice on their own, after the festival.

Body Scan Meditation

In this brief meditation, participants will be guided on a journey throughout their body, strengthening their mind-body connection and feeling fully relaxed. Participants will have access to this meditation to practice after the festival as well!

المنح الدراسية للعاملين في المجال الإنساني

Meet Your Yoga Teachers













Meet the Organizing Partners

TRY Global is a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing accessible, science-based mental health and trauma recovery practices through yoga, breath work, and meditation to build resilience and empower individuals and communities globally. Based in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, their team focuses on capacity building through TRY teacher trainings, mentorship, workshops and TRY classes.

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Youth Speak believes that young people know best what their communities need and understands that their voices are often marginalized, particularly in times of conflict. Youth Speak brings together youth activists from conflict-affected areas and international partners to support and mentor the ideas of young people into a sustainable reality.  

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M.therapy is a startup that aims to promote mental health awareness and provide mental health services to the community. M.therapy offers various programs and activities to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues, increase awareness, and bridge the gap in mental health services in the community.

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